All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for monitoring VM related resources.
Signals a change of the balloon.
The Class CdMediaController.
The Enum TrayState.
A channel manager that tracks mappings from a key to a channel using “add/remove” (or “open/close”) events and the channels on which they are delivered.
Combines the channel and the associated data.
A channel manager that maintains mappings from a key to a channel.
Combines the channel and the associated data.
A command definition.
Delegee for reconciling the config map
The configuration information from the configuration file.
Subsection “cloud-init”.
The Class Display.
Subsection “drive”.
Subsection “network”.
Subsection “spice”.
Subsection “vm”.
An Event that notifies controllers about an updated configuration.
Some constants.
Some constants.
Implements a controller as defined in the Operator Whitepaper.
Provides methods for parsing “official” memory sizes..
A MonitorResult that indicates that a CPU has been added.
The Class CpuController.
A MonitorResult that indicates that a CPU has been deleted.
The Class DisplayController.
A MonitorResult that indicates that the display password has changed.
Watches for changes of display secrets.
Delegee for reconciling the display secret
Marks a class as the definition of a data transfer object.
Wraps a DTO in a TemplateHashModel.
A factory for creating objects.
Like Stop, but sets an exit status.
Like Stop, but sets an exit status.
Provides an object wrapper that handles Dtos.
Utilities to access configurable file system directories.
Gets the current display secret and optionally updates it.
Utility class for pointing to elements on a Gson (Json) tree.
A MonitorResult that reports the hot pluggable CPU status.
Helpers for K8s API.
A client with some additional properties.
A stub for cluster scoped objects.
A supplier for generic stubs.
Represents a Kubernetes object using a JSON data structure.
Represents a list of Kubernetes objects each of which is represented using a JSON data structure.
Represents a list of Kubernetes objects each of which is represented using a JSON data structure.
A stub for namespaced custom objects.
A factory for creating K8sDynamicModel(s) objects.
A stub for namespaced custom objects.
A stub for namespaced custom objects.
A supplier for generic stubs.
An observer that watches namespaced resources in a given context and invokes a handler on changes.
The type of change reported by Watch.Response as enum.
A stub for config maps (v1).
A stub for pods (v1).
A stub for nodes (v1).
A stub for pods (v1).
A stub for secrets (v1).
A stub for secrets (v1).
A stub for stateful sets (v1).
Delegee for reconciling the service
A logging manager that isn’t disabled by a shutdown hook.
The application class.
Modifies a VM.
An Event that causes some component to send a QMP command to the Qemu process.
An Event that signals the reception of a QMP event from the Qemu process.
The kind of monitor event.
Signals that the connection to the Qemu monitor socket has been established successfully.
Signals the reception of a result from executing a QMP command.
Signals the processing of the QmpPowerdown event.
A component that handles the communication over the Qemu monitor socket.
A QmpCommand that plugs a CPU into an unused slot.
A QmpCommand that configures the Qmp capabilities.
A QmpCommand that triggers a media change in a CDROM drive.
The Class QmpCommand.
Signals that the QMP capabilities have been enabled.
A QmpCommand that causes the Qemu process to continue execution.
A QmpCommand that removes a CPU with the given id.
A QmpCommand that causes a CDROM drive’s tray to be opened.
A QmpCommand that send a system_powerdown to the VM.
A QmpCommand that queries the hotpluggable CPUs.
A QmpCommand that removes the medium from a CDROM drive.
A QmpCommand that send a system_reset to the VM.
A QmpCommand that sets the balloon value.
A QmpCommand that sets the display password.
A QmpCommand that sets the password expiry.
The Class RamController.
Adapts Kubenetes resources for instances of the Runner application (the VMs) to changes in VM definitions (the CRs).
Triggers a reset of the VM.
The Runner is responsible for managing the Qemu process and optionally a process that emulates a TPM (software TPM).
The Class RunnerStateChange.
The state.
Indicates that a service has changed.
Watches for changes of services.
Signals the reception of a SHUTDOWN event.
Delegee for reconciling the stateful set (effectively the pod).
Updates the CR status.
The Class TimeSeries.
The Class Entry.
Signals a change of tray state of one of the VM’s CDROM drives.
A subchannel used to send the events related to a specific VM.
The Class VmConlet.
The Class Summary.
The periodically generated update event.
The factory service for VmConlets.
Indicates a change in a VM definition.
Represents a VM definition.
Permissions for accessing and manipulating the VM.
Represents a list of VmDefinitionModels.
A stub for namespaced custom objects.
A factory for creating VmDefinitionModel(s) objects.
Watches for changes of VM definitions.
The Class VmViewer.
The periodically generated update event.
The Class VmsModel.
The factory service for VmViewers.