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The Runner

The Manager

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The Controller

The controller component (which is part of the manager) monitors custom resources of kind VirtualMachine. It creates or modifies other resources in the cluster as required to get the VM defined by the CR up and running.

Here is the sample definition of a VM from the “local-path” example:

apiVersion: ""
kind: VirtualMachine
  namespace: vmop-demo
  name: test-vm
  guestShutdownStops: false

    state: Running
    maximumCpus: 4
    currentCpus: 2
    maximumRam: 8Gi
    currentRam: 4Gi
    - user: {}
    - volumeClaimTemplate:
          name: system
          storageClassName: ""
              storage: 40Gi
    - cdrom:
        image: ""
        # image:
        # image: "Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-38-1.6.iso"

        port: 5910
        # Since 3.0.0:
        # generateSecret: false

Pod management

The central resource created by the controller is a Pod with the same name as the VM ( The pod is created only if spec.vm.state is “Running” (default is “Stopped” which deletes the pod)1.

Property spec.guestShutdownStops (since 2.2.0) controls the effect of a shutdown initiated by the guest. If set to false (default) the pod and thus the VM is automatically restarted. If set to true, the VM’s state is set to “Stopped” when the VM terminates and the pod is deleted.

Defining the basics

How to define the number of CPUs and the size of the RAM of the VM should be obvious from the example. Note that changes of the current number of CPUs and the current RAM size will be propagated to running VMs.

Defining disks

Maybe the most interesting part is the definition of the VM’s disks. This is done by adding one or more volumeClaimTemplates to the list of disks. As its name suggests, such a template is used by the controller to generate a PVC.

The example template does not define any storage. Rather it references some PV that you must have created first. This may be your first approach if you have existing storage from running the VM outside Kubernetes (e.g. with libvirtd).

If you have ceph or some other full fledged storage provider installed and create a new VM, provisioning a disk can happen automatically as shown in this example:

    - volumeClaimTemplate:
          name: system
          storageClassName: rook-ceph-block
              storage: 40Gi

The disk will be available as “/dev/name-disk” in the VM, using the string from as name. If no name is defined in the metadata, then “/dev/disk-n” is used instead, with n being the index of the volume claim template in the list of disks.

The name of the generated PVC is the VM’s name with “-name-disk” (or the generated name) appended: “vmName-name-disk” (or “vmName-disk-n”). The definition of the PVC is simply a copy of the information from the volumeClaimTemplate (with some additional labels, see below)2.

PVCs are never removed automatically. Usually, you do not want your VMs disks to be removed when you (maybe accidentally) remove the CR for the VM. To simplify the lookup for an eventual (manual) removal, all PVCs are labeled with “ vm-runner”, “ vmName”, and “ vm-operator”, making it easy to select the PVCs by label in a delete command.

Choosing an image for the runner

The image used for the runner can be configured with spec.image. This is a mapping with either a single key source or a detailed configuration using the keys repository, path etc.

Currently two runner images are maintained. One that is based on Arch Linux ( and a second one based on Alpine (

Starting with release 1.0, all versions of runner images and managers that have the same major release number are guaranteed to be compatible.

Generating cloud-init data

Since: 2.2.0

The optional object .spec.cloudInit with sub-objects .cloudInit.metaData, .cloudInit.userData and .cloudInit.networkConfig can be used to provide data for cloud-init. The data from the CRD will be made available to the VM by the runner as a vfat formatted disk (see the description of NoCloud).

If .metaData.instance-id is not defined, the controller automatically generates it from the CRD’s resourceVersion. If .metaData.local-hostname is not defined, the controller adds this property using the value from

Note that there are no schema definitions available for .userData and .networkConfig. Whatever is defined in the CRD is copied to the corresponding cloud-init file without any checks. (The introductory comment #cloud-config required at the beginning of .userData is generated automatically by the runner.)

Display secret/password

Since: 2.3.0

You can define a display password using a Kubernetes secret. When you start a VM, the controller checks if there is a secret with labels “ vm-runner, display-secret, vmname” in the namespace of the VM definition. The name of the secret can be chosen freely.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: test-vm-display-secret
  namespace: vmop-demo
  labels: vm-runner test-vm display-secret
type: Opaque
  display-password: dGVzdC12bQ==
  # Since 3.0.0:
  # password-expiry: bmV2ZXI=

If such a secret for the VM is found, the VM is configured to use the display password specified. The display password in the secret can be updated while the VM runs3. Activating/deactivating the display password while a VM runs is not supported by Qemu and therefore requires stopping the VM, adding/removing the secret and restarting the VM.

Since: 3.0.0

The secret’s data can have an additional property data.password-expiry which specifies a (base64 encoded) expiry date for the password. Supported values are those defined by qemu (+n seconds from now, n Unix timestamp, never and now).

Unless spec.vm.display.spice.generateSecret is set to false in the VM definition (CRD), the controller creates a secret for the display password automatically if none is found. The secret is created with a random password that expires immediately, which makes the display effectively inaccessible until the secret is modified. Note that a password set manually may be overwritten by components of the manager unless the password-expiry is set to “never” or some time in the future.

Further reading

For a detailed description of the available configuration options see the CRD.

  1. Before version 3.4, the operator created a stateful set that in turn created the pod and the PVCs (see below). 

  2. Before version 3.4 the volumeClaimTemplates were copied in the definition of the stateful set. As a stateful set appends the started pod’s name to the name of the volume claim templates when it creates the PVCs, the PVCs’ name were “name-disk-vmName-0” (or “disk-n-vmName-0”). 

  3. Be aware of the possible delay, see e.g. here